Computer Hardware

Computer Hardware

The Bioinformatics Facility had the following computers available for your use

  • CMGM - Sun UltraSparc 2 - 200MHz Dual Processor
    Used as a server for e-mail, web pages, file server.

  • PMGM - Enterprise 3000 (Dual 250MHz Processor) with SPARCArray 1000
    Our fastest Sun computer, used for X-Window Access, and running the Sequence Analysis programs like GCG and Intelligenetics.

  • Sun Classic Workstations (alanine, glutamate, lysine, histidine, glycine, etc...)
    These diskless computers are intelligent X-Window terminals into PMGM. They are located in Beckman 050.

    If you have an account on CMGM, that username and password will work on PMGM and all the Sun Classics.

    Contact Lee Kozar if you need an account on the following systems.

  • MMLAB - SGI Challenge
    Our fastest computer. This computer is used for background processing of molecular modeling software and image processing programs.

  • LOOP,TURN,COIL - SGI Workstations.
    These computers are best used if you need to do molecular modeling. LOOP and TURN both have 3-D Goggles and dial boxes for molecular modeling. These goggles work with LOOK, Insight, Sybyl.

  • Scanner - Ricoh 1200 DPI Scanner attached to LOOP.





