To use the computers in the Bioinformatics Facility, your PI needs to pay a membership each year. This will allow everyone in the lab to get a computer account.
Besides the computers in the Beckman Center, there are other computers at Stanford that you may need to connect to. A membership in the Bioinformatics Facility doesn't automatically give you access to these other computer systems.
forsythe = The administrative computing IBM Mainframe. It's used by the accounting and purchasing folks. If you need to handle your own purchasing you will need an account on this system.
leland = the main campus computer system. Used for e-mail, web pages. A free account on this system is available for any students, faculty and staff of Stanford. You need an account on this computer system in order to dial into campus from a modem.
If you are in the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, you can still get a leland account. Contact Margareta Svensson-Rosenberg for more information.
elaine = The elaine computers are a set of SUN workstations in Sweet Hall. Sweet Hall has a wide variety of computer systems. If you have a leland account, then you have access to these computers. Some people like to use these computers since they are on the opposite side of campus from Beckman, so they don't have to travel such a long distance to get to a computer terminal. If you need help on the elaine or leland systems, you can contact the Sweet Hall Consultants at 5-2101
The Darwin Cluster - A group of Digital Equipment VAX computers used by the Herzenberg lab for their FACS machines. For more information about this, contact Jeanne Tolmasoff
The Folio System - Folio is a computer system at Stanford that provides access to a variety of information resources for Stanford students, faculty, and staff. Check out the web site for a list of all its resources.
Other Computer Clusters On Campus