In the documentation files that follow I frequently refer to papers in the
literature. In order to centralize the references they are given in this
section. If you want to find further papers beyond these, my Quarterly Review
of Biology review of 1982 and my Annual Review of Genetics review of 1988 list
many further references. The chapter by David Swofford and Gary Olsen (1990)
is also an excellent review of the issues in phylogeny reconstruction.
- Adams, E. N. 1972. Consensus techniques and the comparison of taxonomic
trees. Systematic Zoology 21: 390-397.
- Adams, E. N. 1986. N-trees as nestings: complexity, similarity, and
consensus. Journal of Classification 3: 299-317.
- Archie, J. W. 1989. A randomization test for phylogenetic information in
systematic data. Systematic Zoology 38: 219-252.
- Astolfi, P., K. K. Kidd, and L. L. Cavalli-Sforza. 1981. A comparison of
methods of reconstructing evolutionary trees. Systematic Zoology 30:
- Baum, B. R. 1989. PHYLIP: Phylogeny Inference Package. Version 3.2. (Software
review). Quarterly Review of Biology 64: 539-541.
- Bron, C., and J. Kerbosch. 1973. Algorithm 457: Finding all cliques of an
undirected graph. Communications of the Association for Computing
Machinery 16: 575-577.
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sequences in phylogeny. Evolution 19: 311-326.
- Carpenter, J. 1987a. A report on the Society for the Study of Evolution
workshop "Computer Programs for Inferring Phylogenies". Cladistics 3:
- Carpenter, J. 1987b. Cladistics of cladists. Cladistics 3: 363-375.
- Cavalli-Sforza, L. L., and A. W. F. Edwards. 1967. Phylogenetic analysis:
models and estimation procedures. Evolution 32: 550-570 (also Amer. J.
Human Genetics 19: 233-257).
- Cavender, J. A. and J. Felsenstein. 1987. Invariants of phylogenies in a
simple case with discrete states. Journal of Classification 4: 57-71.
- Churchill, G.A. 1989. Stochastic models for heterogeneous DNA sequences.
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 51: 79-94.
- Conn, E. E. and P. K. Stumpf. 1963. Outlines of Biochemistry. John Wiley and
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- Day, W. H. E. 1983. Computationally difficult parsimony problems in
phylogenetic systematics. Journal of Theoretical Biology 103: 429-438.
- Dayhoff, M. O. 1979. Atlas of Protein Sequence and Structure, Volume 5,
Supplement 3, 1978. National Biomedical Research Foundation, Washington,
- DeBry, R. W. and N. A. Slade. 1985. Cladistic analysis of restriction
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Systematic Zoology 34: 21-34.
- Dempster, A. P., N. M. Laird, and D. B. Rubin. 1977. Maximum likelihood from
incomplete data via the EM algorithm. Journal of the Royal Statistical
Society B 39: 1-38.
- Eck, R. V., and M. O. Dayhoff. 1966. Atlas of Protein Sequence and Structure
1966. National Biomedical Research Foundation, Silver Spring, Maryland.
- Edwards, A. W. F., and L. L. Cavalli-Sforza. 1964. Reconstruction of
evolutionary trees. pp. 67-76 in Phenetic and Phylogenetic
Classification, ed. V. H. Heywood and J. McNeill. Systematics Association
Volume No. 6. Systematics Association, London.
- Estabrook, G. F., C. S. Johnson, Jr., and F. R. McMorris. 1976a. A
mathematical foundation for the analysis of character compatibility.
Mathematical Biosciences 23: 181-187.
- Estabrook, G. F., C. S. Johnson, Jr., and F. R. McMorris. 1976b. An algebraic
analysis of cladistic characters. Discrete Mathematics16: 141-147.
- Estabrook, G. F., F. R. McMorris, and C. A. Meacham. 1985. Comparison of
undirected phylogenetic trees based on subtrees of four evolutionary
units. Systematic Zoology 34: 193-200.
- Faith, D. P. 1990. Chance marsupial relationships. Nature 345: 393-394.
- Faith, D. P. and P. S. Cranston. 1991. Could a cladogram this short have
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Cladistics 7: 1-28.
- Farris, J. S. 1977. Phylogenetic analysis under Dollo's Law. Systematic
Zoology 26: 77-88.
- Farris, J. S. 1978a. Inferring phylogenetic trees from chromosome inversion
data. Systematic Zoology 27: 275-284.
- Farris, J. S. 1981. Distance data in phylogenetic analysis. pp. 3-23 in
Advances in Cladistics: Proceedings of the first meeting of the Willi
Hennig Society, ed. V. A. Funk and D. R. Brooks. New York Botanical
Garden, Bronx, New York.
- Farris, J. S. 1983. The logical basis of phylogenetic analysis. pp. 1-47 in
Advances in Cladistics, Volume 2, Proceedings of the Second Meeting of the
Willi Hennig Society. ed. Norman I. Platnick and V. A. Funk. Columbia
University Press, New York.
- Farris, J. S. 1985. Distance data revisited. Cladistics 1: 67-85.
- Farris, J. S. 1986. Distances and statistics. Cladistics 2: 144-157.
- Farris, J. S. ["T. N. Nayenizgani"]. 1990. The systematics association enters
its golden years (review of "Prospects in Systematics", ed. D.
Hawksworth). Cladistics 6: 307-314.
- Felsenstein, J. 1973a. Maximum likelihood and minimum-steps methods for
estimating evolutionary trees from data on discrete characters.
Systematic Zoology 22: 240-249.
- Felsenstein, J. 1973b. Maximum-likelihood estimation of evolutionary trees
from continuous characters. Amer. J. Human Genetics 25: 471-492.
- Felsenstein, J. 1978a. The number of evolutionary trees. Systematic Zoology
27: 27-33.
- Felsenstein, J. 1978b. Cases in which parsimony and compatibility methods
will be positively misleading. Systematic Zoology 27: 401-410.
- Felsenstein, J. 1979. Alternative methods of phylogenetic inference and their
interrelationship. Systematic Zoology 28: 49-62.
- Felsenstein, J. 1981a. Evolutionary trees from DNA sequences: a maximum
likelihood approach. J. Molecular Evolution 17: 368-376.
- Felsenstein, J. 1981b. A likelihood approach to character weighting and what
it tells us about parsimony and compatibility. Biological Journal of the
Linnean Society 16: 183-196.
- Felsenstein, J. 1981c. Evolutionary trees from gene frequencies and
quantitative characters: finding maximum likelihood estimates. Evolution
35: 1229-1242.
- Felsenstein, J. 1982. Numerical methods for inferring evolutionary trees.
Quarterly Review of Biology 57: 379-404.
- Felsenstein, J. 1983b. Parsimony in systematics: biological and statistical
issues. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 14:313-333.
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- Felsenstein, J. 1984b. The statistical approach to inferring evolutionary
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- Felsenstein, J. 1985d. Phylogenies and the comparative method. American
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