version 3.5c


(c) Copyright 1986-1993 by Joseph Felsenstein and by the University of Washington. Written by Joseph Felsenstein. Permission is granted to copy this document provided that no fee is charged for it and that this copyright notice is not removed.


DRAWTREE and DRAWGRAM are interactive tree-plotting programs that take a tree description in a file and read it, and then let you interactively make various settings and then plot the tree on a laser printer, plotter, or dot matrix printer. In many cases (with IBM PC graphics, with a DEC graphics terminal or with a Tektronix-compatible graphics terminal) you can preview the resulting tree. This allows you to modify the tree until you like the result, then plot the result. DRAWTREE plots unrooted trees and DRAWGRAM plots rooted cladograms and phenograms. On good plotters or laser printers both can produce fully publishable results. On dot matrix printers the results look grainy but are good enough for overhead transparencies or slides for presentations.

These programs are descended from PLOTGRAM and PLOTREE written by Christopher Meacham. I have incorporated his code for fonts and his plotter drivers, and in DRAWTREE have used some of his code for drawing unrooted trees. In both programs I have also included some plotter driver code by David Swofford, Julian Humphries and George D.F. "Buz" Wilson, to all of whom I am very grateful. Mostly, however, they consist of my own code. The font files are printable-character recodings of the public-domain Hershey fonts, recoded by Christopher Meacham.

This document will describe the features common to both programs. The documents for DRAWTREE and DRAWGRAM describe the particular choices you can make in each of those programs. The Appendix to this documentation file contains some pieces of C code that can be inserted to make the program handle another plotting device -- the plotters by Calcomp.

A Short Introduction

To use DRAWTREE and DRAWGRAM, you must have

  1. The compiled version of the program. If you have not obtained a version of PHYLIP precompiled for your machine, you will have to take the source code given here and modify it for your C compiler and then compile it. This is not too hard: it is discussed below.
  2. A tree file. Trees are described in the nested-parenthesis notation used throughout PHYLIP and standardized in an informal meeting of program authors in Durham, New Hampshire in June, 1986. Trees for both programs may be either bifurcating or multifurcating, and may either have or not have branch lengths. Tree files produced by the PHYLIP programs are in this form.
  3. A font file. There are six font files distributed with PHYLIP: these consist of three Roman, two Italic, and one Russian Cyrillic font, all from the public-domain Hershey Fonts, in ASCII readable form. The details of font representation need not concern you; all you need to do is to copy the font file corresponding to the font you want into the appropriate directory under the appropriate file name, and let the program use it. Or you can let the program ask you for the name of the font file, which it will do if it does not find one itself. The six fonts are, respectively, a one- and a two-stroke sans-serif Roman font, a three-stroke serifed Roman font, a two- and a three- stroke serifed Italic font, and a two-stroke Cyrillic font for the Russian language. If this is not clear just try them all. Note that for Apple Laserwriters (or other Postscript printers) several built-in fonts can be used too.
  4. A plotting device, and if possible a screen on which you can preview the plot. The programs work with Postscript-compatible laser printers, laser printers compatible with the Hewlett-Packard Laserjet series, plotters including Hewlett-Packard models, dot matrix printers including models by Epson and Apple, graphics terminals from DEC and Tektronix, IBM PC graphics screens, the PCX file format for the PC Paintbrush painting program, the PICT format for the MacDraw drawing program, the file format for the public domain X-windows drawing program "xfig", the X Bitmap format for X-windows, and, strangest and most wonderful of all, the input format for the public-domain ray-tracing (3- dimensional rendering) program "rayshade". You choose the plotting and previewing devices from a menu at run time, and these can be different. There are places in the source code for the program where you can insert code for a new plotter, should you want to do that.

Once you have all these the programs should be fairly self explanatory, particular if you can preview your plots so that you can discover the meaning of the different options by trying them out.

Once you have a compiled version of the appropriate program, say DRAWGRAM, and a file called (say) TREEFILE with the tree in it, and a font file (say FONT2 which you have copied as a file called FONTFILE), all you do is run the program DRAWGRAM. It should automatically read the font and tree files, and will ask you to choose the graphics devices. Then it will let you see the options it has chosen, and ask you if you want to change these. Once you have modified those that you want to, you can tell it to accept those. The program will then allow you to preview the tree on your screen, if you have told it that you have an appropriate graphics screen (the PCDOS and 386 PCDOS versions of the program will automatically adapt to a number of the commonest PC graphics boards, and the Macintosh version will adapt to the Macintosh screen). After previewing the tree, it will ask if you are ready to plot the tree. If you say no, it will once again allow you to change options and will the allow you to preview the tree again, and so on as many times as you want. If you say yes, then it will write a file called (say) PLOTFILE. If this file is copied directly to your plotter or printer, it should result in a beautifully plotted tree. If the final plotting device is a DEC or PCDOS graphics screen, it may not write a plot file but will plot directly on the screen.

Having read the above, you may be ready to run the program. Below you Will find more information about representation of trees in the tree file, on the different kinds of graphics devices supported by this program, and on how to recompile these programs. If you have (for example) a PCDOS system and a compiled version of the program, then all you have to do is have a tree file called TREEFILE, a font file called FONTFILE, and run the program. Then copy PLOTFILE to your plotter or printer.


The New Hampshire Standard for representing trees in computer-readable form makes use of the correspondence between trees and nested parentheses, noticed in 1857 by the famous English mathematician Arthur Cayley. If we have this rooted tree:

                         A                 D
                          \         E     /
                           \   C   /     /
                            \  !  /     /
                             \ ! /     /
                        B     \!/     /
                         \     o     /
                          \    !    /
                           \   !   /
                            \  !  /
                             \ ! /
then in the tree file it is represented by the following sequence of printable characters, starting at the beginning of the file:
The tree ends with a semicolon. Everything after the semicolon in the input file is ignored, including any other trees. The bottommost node in the tree is an interior node, not a tip. Interior nodes are represented by a pair of matched parentheses. Between them are representations of the nodes that are immediately descended from that node, separated by commas. In the above tree, the immediate descendants are B, another interior node, and D. The other interior node is represented by a pair of parentheses, enclosing representations of its immediate descendants, A, C, and E.

Tips are represented by their names. A name can be any string of printable characters except blanks, colons, semcolons, parentheses, and square brackets. In the programs a maximum of 30 characters are allowed for names: this limit can easily be increased by recompiling the program and changing the constant declaration for "nch" at the beginning of the program.

Because you may want to include a blank in a name, it is assumed that an underscore character ("_") stands for a blank; any of these in a name will be converted to a blank when it is read in. Any name may also be empty: a tree like

is allowed. Trees can be multifurcating at any level (while in many of the programs multifurcations of user-defined trees are not allowed or restricted to a trifurcation at the bottommost level, these programs do make any such restriction).

Branch lengths can be incorporated into a tree by putting a real number, with or without decimal point, after a node and preceded by a comma. This represents the length of the branch immediately below that node. Thus the above tree might have lengths represented as:

These programs will be able to make use of this information only if lengths exist for every branch, except the one at the bottom of the tree.

The tree starts on the first line of the file, and can continue to subsequent lines. It is best to proceed to a new line, if at all, immediately after a comma. Blanks can be inserted at any point except in the middle of a species name or a branch length.

The above description is of a subset of the New Hampshire Standard. For example, interior nodes can have names in that standard, but if any are included the present programs will omit them.

To help you understand this tree representation, here are some trees in the above form:







The New Hampshire Standard was adopted June 26, 1986 by an informal committee meeting during the Society for the Study of Evolution meetings in Durham, New Hampshire and consisting of James Archie, William H.E. Day, Wayne Maddison, Christopher Meacham, F. James Rohlf, David Swofford, and myself.


When the programs run they ask you to choose the final plotting device and to indicate whether there is a preview screen and if so what it is. The choices for previewing are a subset of those available for plotting, and they can be different (the most useful combination will be a previewing graphics screen with a hard-copy plotter or printer).

Here are the choices, with some comments on each:

Apple Laserwriter (with Postscript)
This means that the program will generate a file containing Postscript commands as its plot file. This can be printed on any Postscript-compatible laser printer. The page size is assumed to be 8.5 by 11 inches, but as plotting is within this limit A4 metric paper should work well too. This is the best quality output option. For this printer the menu options in DRAWGRAM and DRAWTREE that allow you to select one of the built-in fonts will work. I have been able to use fonts Courier, Times-Roman, and Helvetica. The others have eluded me for some reason known only to those who really understand Postscript.

If your laser printer, supposedly Postcript-compatible, refuses to print the plot file, you might consider whether the first line of the plot file, which starts with "%!" needs to be altered somehow or eliminated. If your Laserwriter is hooked to a Macintosh it will be necessary to persuade it to print the plot file. The public-domain utility SendPS enables one to do that: it is provided by us with the Macintosh executable version of PHYLIP. If you are compiling your own Macintosh version you should try to get SendPS: it is available in libraries of Macintosh public domain programs. I have heard that it does not work with the new System 7 version of the Mac operating system, but that there is on the Printers diskette of the System 7 distribution diskettes a utility called Laserwriter Font Utility that can accomplish the same task.

Hewlett-Packard Laserjet laser printers
This extremely popular line of laser printers is also emulated by many other brands of laser printer, in fact, most of those that do not have Postscript. One limitation of the PCL4 command language for these printers is that they do not have primitive operations for drawing arbitrary diagonal lines. This means that they must be treated by these programs as if they were dot matrix printers with a great many dots. This makes output slow. The user will be asked to choose the dot resoluton (75, 150, or 300 dots per inch). The 300 dot per inch setting is not possible unless you have expanded the laser printer's memory beyond 512K bytes. The quality of output is also not as good as it might be (I hope to correct this in the future) so that the Postscript printers will produce better results even at the same resolution. Note that there are cartridges that can be bought to make a Laserjet print Postscript, and see below (under Hewlett-Packard 7470 plotters) for the fact that Laseret III's can emulate an HP plotter. I am grateful to Kevin Nixon for inadvertantly pointing out that on Laserjets one does not have to dump the complete bitmap of a page to plot a tree.
Tektronix 4010 graphics terminal
The plot file will contain commands for driving the Tektronix series of graphics terminals. Many other graphics terminals are compatible with the Tektronix 4010 and its immediate descendants. The PCDOS version of the public domain communications program Kermit, versions 2.30 and later, can emulate a Tektronix graphics terminal if the command "set terminal tek" is given. Of course that assumes that you are communicating with another computer. There are also similar terminal emulation programs for Macintoshes that emulate Tektronix graphics. On workstations with X windows you can use one option of the "xterm" utility to create a Tektronix-compatible window. On Sun workstations there is a Tektronix emulator you can run called "tektool" which can be used to view the trees. The Tektronix option is also available for previewing, in which case the plotting commands will be not be written into a file but will be sent directly to your terminal.
Hewlett-Packard 7470
This means that the program will generate a file as its plot file which uses the HPGL graphics language. Hewlett-Packard 7470, 7475, and many other plotters are compatible with this. The paper size is again assumed to be 8.5 by 11 inches (again, A4 should work well too). It is assumed that there are two pens, a finer one for drawing names, and the HPGL commands will call for switching between these. The Hewlett-Packard Laserjet III printer can emulate an HP plotter, and this feature is included in its PCL5 command language (but not in the PCL4 command languages of earlier Hewlett- Packard models).
IBM PC graphics screens
The code for this in the programs is available in the precompiled PCDOS executables or if you compile the programs yourself in C. The graphics modes supported are CGA, EGA, VGA, Hercules, and ATT (Olivetti). modes if you want. This option is available for previewing plots, and in either previewing or final plotting it draws directly on the screen and does not make a plot file.
Macintosh graphics screens
Code has been inserted which will, when compiled with Think C from Symantec, open a graphics window and draw preview trees in it. At the moment I have not provided this option for final plotting of the tree (this would add nothing). The window is 500 x 342 pixels and has the tree drawn in black on a white background. Once the preview is drawn the program runs in a tight loop, waiting for you to press the mouse button. When it is pressed, the text window is made active and comes to the front.
DEC ReGIS (VT 240 graphics terminal)
The DEC ReGIS standard is used by the VT240 and VT340 series terminals by DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation). There are many graphics terminals that emulate the VT240 or VT340 as well. For example the DECTerm windows in many versions of Digital's DECWindows windowing system do so. This option is available for previewing trees as well. In preview mode it does not write a plot file but sends the commands directly to the screen; in final mode it writes a plot file. In DEC's version of Unix, Ultrix version 4.1 and later, the windowing system allows DEC ReGIS graphics as a default.
Houston Instruments plotters
The Houston Instruments line of plotters has also been known as Bausch and Lomb plotters. The code in the programs for these has not been tested recently; I would appreciate someone trying it out and telling me whether it works. I do not have access to such a plotter myself.
Epson printers
The dot-matrix printers by Epson (starting with the MX80 and continuing on to many other models), as well as the IBM Graphics printers. The code here plots in double-density graphics mode. Many of the later models are capable of higher-density graphics but not with every dot printed. This density was chosen for reasonably wide compatibility. Many other dot-matrix printers on the market have graphics modes compatible with the Epson printers. I cannot guarantee that the plot files generated by these programs will be compatible with all of these, but they do work on Epsons. They have also worked, in our hands, on IBM Graphics Printers. There are many printers that claim compatibility with these too, but I do not know whether it will work on all of them. If you have trouble with any of these you might consider trying in the epson option of procedure initplotter to put in a fprintf statement that writes to plotfile an escape sequence that changes line spacing.
The trading firm C. Itoh distributes this line of dot-matrix printers, which is made by Tokyo Electric (TEC) and also was sold by NEC under the product number PC8023. These are 9-pin dot matrix printers. In a slightly modified form they are also the Imagewriter printer sold by Apple for their Macintosh line. The same escape codes seem to work on both machines, the Apple version being a serial interface version. They are not related to the IBM Proprinter, despite the name.
Toshiba 24-pin printers
The 24-pin printers from Toshiba are covered by this option. These include the P1340, P1350, P1351, P351, 321, and later models. For a 24-pin printer the plot file can get fairly large as it contains a bit map of the image and there are more bits with a 24-pin image. Printing will be slow.
Okidata printers
The ML81, 82, 83 and ML181, 182, 183 line of dot-matrix printers from Okidata had their own graphics codes and those are dealt with by this option. The later Okidata ML190 series emulates IBM Graphics Printers so that you should not use this option for them but the option for that printer.
PC Paintbrush PCX files
It is desirable to have the program output trees in at least one format that can be loaded into a paint program, so that additional symbols and labels can be added. I have chosen the PCX file format supported by the PC Paintbrush program. This file format is simple and is read by many other programs as well. The user must choose one of three resolutions for the file, 640x480, 800x600, or 1024x768. The file is a monochrome paint file.
Xfig files
This is the file format of the public-domain drawing program Xfig available for X-windows systems on Unix workstations. Xfig can be obtained by ftp from various network servers such as export.lcs.mit.edu in /contrib/R5fixes/xfig-patches/xfig.2.1.6.tar.Z. You should also get transfig, which contains the fig2dev program which converts xfig output to the various printer languages. Transfig is on the same machine in /contrib/R5fixes/transfig-patches/transfig.2.1.6.tar.Z. The present format does not write the species labels in fonts recognized by Xfig but draws them with lines. This often makes the names look rather bumpy. We hope to change this soon.
X Bitmap files
This produces an X-bitmap for the X windowing system which can be displayed on X screens. You will be asked for the size of the bitmap (e.g., 16x16, or 256x256, etc.). This format cannot be printed out without further format conversion but is useable for backgrounds of windows ("wallpaper"). This can be a very bulky format if you choose a large bitmap.
Rayshade files
This is the most unusual format of all. It is the input format for the public-domain ray-tracing program "rayshade" which is available for Unix systems via anonymous ftp at princeton.edu in the directory pub/Graphics (note the capital letter). Rayshade takes files of this format and turns them into color scenes in "raw" raster format (also called "MTV" format after the common raytracing program of the same name). If you get the pbmplus package (available via anonymous ftp from gatekeeper.dec.com in /.9/X11/contrib/ppbmplus10dec91.tar.Z) and compile it on your system you can use the "mtvtoppm" and "ppmtogif" programs to convert this into the widely-used GIF raster format. (the pbmplus package will also allow you to convert into tiff, pcx and many other formats) The resultant image will show a tree floating above a landscape, rendered in a real-looking 3-dimensional scene with shadows and illumination. Rayshade is slow: it took 15 minutes on my DECstation 5000/200 to make one illustration at 512x512 resolution. It is possible to use it to make two scenes that together are a stereo pair. When producing output for Rayshade you will be asked by the DRAWGRAM or DRAWTREE whether you want to reset the values for the colors you want for the tree, the species names, the background, and the desired resolution.
Conversion from these formats to others is also possible. The graphics conversion utility HiJaak, from Inset Systems (71 Commerce Drive, Brookfield, Connecticut 06804, (203) 775-5866) is a PCDOS program that converts numerous graphic file formats on input and output. It can read many formats, including the HPGL format and write many formats. It is available from many software discount houses. There is also a public-domain program by Jef Poskanzer called "PBMPLUS" that interconverts many bitmap formats.

Problems Copying Files to Printers

A problem may arose in how to get the plot files to the plotting device or printer. One has to copy them directly, but one should be careful to not let your serial or parallel port strip off the high-order bits in the bytes if you are using one of the options that generate nonprintable characters. This will be true for most of the dot matrix printers and for bitmaps dumped to an HP Laserjet. This can be a problem under Unix or PCDOS. If, for example, you have a dot-matrix printer connected to a parallel port under PCDOS, to copy the file PLOTFILE to the printer without losing the high-order bits, you must use the /B switch on the COPY command:


The VAX VMS Line Length Problem

A problem that may occur under some operating systems, particularly the VMS operating system for DEC VAXes, is having a plot file with lines that exceed some operating system limit such as 255 characters. This can happen if you are using the Tektronix option. You should set your terminal type with the command $ SET TERM/NOWRAP/ESCAPE which will allow Tektronix and DEC ReGIS plots to successfully appear on your terminal. That way, if you have a terminal capable of plotting one of these kinds of plots, the operating system will not interfere with the process. It will not be possible to use files of Tektronix commands as final plot files, however, as the TYPE command usually used to get them to appear on the screen does not allow lines longer than 2048 bytes, and Tektronix plots are single lines longer than that.

Other problems and opportunities

Another problem is adding labels (such as vertical scales and branch lengths) to the plots produced by this program. This may require you to use the PCX, PICT, or Xfig file format and use a draw or paint program to add them.

I would like to add more fonts. The present fonts are recoded versions of the Hershey fonts. They are legally publicly distributable. Most other font families on the market are not public domain and I cannot afford to license them for distribution. Some people have noticed that the Hershey fonts, which are drawn by a series of straight lines, have noticeable angles in what are supposed to be curves, when they are printed on modern laser printers and looked at closely. This is less a problem than one might think since, fortunately, when scientific journals print a tree it is usually shrunk so small that these imperfections (and often the tree itself) are hard to see!

One more font that could be added from the Hershey font collection would be a Greek font. If Greek users would find that useful I could add it, but my impression is that they publish mostly in English anyway.

Writing Code for a new Plotter, Printer or File Format

The C version of these programs consists of two C programs, "drawgram.c" and "drawtree.c". Each of these has a common section of code called "drawgrahics.c" and a common header file, "drawgraphics.h". IN addition the Macintosh version requires two more files, "interface.c" and "interface.h". All of the graphics commands that are common to both programs will be found in "drawgraphics.c". The following instructions for writing your own code to drive a different kind of printer, plotter, or graphics file format, require you only to make changes in "drawgraphics.c". The two programs can then be recompiled.

If you want to write code for other printers, plotters, or vector file formats, this is not too hard. The plotter option "U" is provided as a place for you to insert your own code. Chris Meacham's system was to draw everything, including the characters in the names and all curves, by drawing a series of straight lines. Thus you need only master your plotter's commands for drawing straight lines. In procedure "plotrparms" you must set up the values of variables "xunitspercm" and "yunitspercm", which are the number of units in the x and y directions per centimeter, as well as variables "xsize" and "ysize" which are the size of the plotting area in centimeters in the x direction and the y direction. A variable "penchange" of a user-defined type is set to "yes" or "no" depending on whether the commands to change the pen must be issued when switching between plotting lines and drawing characters. Even though dot-matrix printers do not have pens, penchange should be set to "yes" for them. In PROCEDURE plot you must issue commands to draw a line from the current position (which is at (xnow, ynow) in the plotter's units) to the position (xabs, yabs), under the convention that the lower-left corner of the plotting area is (0.0, 0.0). In procedures "initplotter" and "finishplotter" you must issue commands to initialize the plotter and to finish plotting, respectively. If the pen is to be changed an appropriate piece of code must be inserted in procedure "penchange".

For dot matrix printers and raster graphics matters are a bit more complex. The procedures "plotrparms", "initplotter", "finishplotter" and "plot" still respectively set up the parameters for the plotter, initialize it, finish a plot, and plot one line. But now the plotting consists of drawing dots into a two-dimensional array called "stripe". Once the plot is finished this array is printed out. In most cases the array is not as tall as a full plot: instead it is a rectangular strip across it. When the program has finished drawing in ther strip, it prints it out and then moves down the plot to the next strip. For example, for Hewlett-Packard Laserjets we have defined the strip as 2550 dots wide and 20 dots deep. When the program goes to draw a line, it draws it into the strip and ignores any part of it that falls outside the strip. Thus the program does a complete plotting into the strip, then prints it, then moves down the diagram by (in this case) 20 dots, then does a complete plot into that strip, and so on.

To work with a new raster or dot matrix format, you will have to define the desired width of a strip ("strpwide"), the desired depth ("strpdeep"), and how many lines of bytes must be printed out to print a strip. For example Toshiba P351 printers in graphics mode print strips of dots 1350 bits wide by 24 bits deep, each column of 24 bits printing out as consecutive four bytes with 6 bits each. In that case, one prints out a strip by printing up to 1350 groups of 4 bytes. "strpdiv" is 4, and "strpwide" is 1350, and "strpdeep" is 24. procedure "striprint" is the one that prints out a strip, and has special-case code for the different printers and file formats. For file formats, all of which print out a single row of dots at a time, the variable "strpdiv" is not used. The variable "dotmatrix" is set to "true" or "false" in procedure "plotrparms" according to whether or not "strpdiv" is to be used. procedure "plotdot" sets a single dot in the array "strip" to 1 at position (xabs, yabs). The coordinates run from 1 at the top of the plot to larger numbers as we proceed down the page. Again, there is special-case code for different printers and file formats in that procedure. You will probably want to read the code for some of the dot matrix or file format options if you want to write code for one of them. Many of them have provision for printing only part of a line, ignoring parts of it that have no dots to print.

I would be happy to obtain the resulting code from you to consider adding it to this listing so we can cover more kinds of plotters, printers, and file formats.

APPENDIX 1. Code to drive some other graphics devices.

hese pieces of code are to be inserted in the places reserved for the "Y" plotter option. The variables necessary to run this have already been incorporated into the programs. A global declaration needed near the front of drawtree.c:
Char cchex[16];
Code to be inserted into procedure plotrparms:
  case 'Y':
    plotter = other;
    xunitspercm = 39.37;
    yunitspercm = 39.37;
    xsize = 25.0;
    ysize = 25.0;
    xposition = 12.5;
    yposition = 0.0;
    xoption = center;
    yoption = above;
    rotation = 0.0;
Code to be inserted into procedure plot:
Declare these variables at the beginning of the procedure:
long n, inc, xinc, yinc, xlast, ylast, xrel,
   yrel, xhigh, yhigh, xlow, ylow;
Char quadrant;
and insert this into the switch statement:
  case other:
    if (penstatus == pendown)
      putc('H', plotfile);
      putc('D', plotfile);
    xrel = (long)floor(xabs + 0.5) - xnow;
    yrel = (long)floor(yabs + 0.5) - ynow;
    xnow = (long)floor(xabs + 0.5);
    ynow = (long)floor(yabs + 0.5);
    if (xrel > 0) {
      if (yrel > 0)
        quadrant = 'P';
        quadrant = 'T';
    } else if (yrel > 0)
      quadrant = 'X';
      quadrant = '1';
    xrel = labs(xrel);
    yrel = labs(yrel);
    if (xrel > yrel)
      n = xrel / 255 + 1;
      n = yrel / 255 + 1;
    xinc = xrel / n;
    yinc = yrel / n;
    xlast = xrel % n;
    ylast = yrel % n;
    xhigh = xinc / 16;
    yhigh = yinc / 16;
    xlow = xinc & 15;
    ylow = yinc & 15;
    for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
      fprintf(plotfile, "%c%c%c%c%c",
              quadrant, cchex[xhigh - 1], cchex[xlow - 1], cchex[yhigh - 1],
              cchex[ylow - 1]);
    if (xlast != 0 || ylast != 0)
      fprintf(plotfile, "%c%c%c%c%c",
              quadrant, cchex[-1], cchex[xlast - 1], cchex[-1],
              cchex[ylast - 1]);
Code to be inserted into procedure initplotter:
  case other:
    cchex[-1] = 'C';
    cchex[0] = 'D';
    cchex[1] = 'H';
    cchex[2] = 'L';
    cchex[3] = 'P';
    cchex[4] = 'T';
    cchex[5] = 'X';
    cchex[6] = '1';
    cchex[7] = '5';
    cchex[8] = '9';
    cchex[9] = '/';
    cchex[10] = '=';
    cchex[11] = '#';
    cchex[12] = '"';
    cchex[13] = ''';
    cchex[14] = '^';
    xnow = 0.0;
    ynow = 0.0;
    fprintf(plotfile, "CCCCCCCCCC");
Code to be inserted into procedure finishplotter:
  case other:
    plot(penup, 0.0, yrange + 50.0);

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Maintained 15 Jul 1996 -- by Martin Hilbers(e-mail:M.P.Hilbers@dl.ac.uk)